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Module examples

These are examples of using ctx and modules. It may be handy to save the functions here as modules to reuse in the future.


Join the Russian-speaking chat @tgpy_flood to see what modules users share.

Shortcut for deleting messages

Send d() in reply to any message to delete it.

async def d():
    original = await ctx.msg.get_reply_message()
    await ctx.msg.delete()
    await original.delete()

Shortcut for saving messages

Send save() in reply to any message to forward to Saved Messages.

async def save():
    original = await ctx.msg.get_reply_message()
    await ctx.msg.delete()
    await original.forward_to('me')

Stats for chat member IDs

Sort chat members by their IDs. In average, the lower the ID of a user is, the earlier they registered in Telegram.

def fullname(user):
    return ((user.first_name or '') + ' ' + (user.last_name or '')).strip() or 'Deleted account'

def idstat(users):
    users.sort(key=lambda x:
    return '\n'.join([f'{>10} {fullname(x)}' for x in users])

async def idstatgrp():
    return idstat(await client.get_participants(

Send the source of all your modules

from html import escape

for name in modules:
    code = escape(modules[name].code)
    await ctx.msg.respond(f'<pre>Module "{name}":\n\n{code}</pre>')

Process a message with sed

Use in reply to a message.

import subprocess

async def sed(s):
    orig = await ctx.msg.get_reply_message()
    text =["sed", s], input=orig.text, capture_output=True, check=True, encoding="utf-8").stdout
    if text == orig.text:
        return "(no changes)"
    if orig.from_id == ctx.msg.from_id:
        await orig.edit(text)
        await ctx.msg.delete()
        return text